Smile and enjoy! - the bright side of life :b

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The best of two worlds

I have a positive view of life. And in my approach to things I try to look on their bright side. If you read this blog you can see it better.

I believe we should pursue the best at all times. This means both trying to improve ourselves and also to aim at achieving our various goals.

Sometimes it happens that some objectives are incompatible, that we have to make a choice. And sometimes we do in fact.

But other times come that despite some difficulties it seems to be possible to have the best of two worlds, this is, to want it all and go for the possibilities in front of us enjoying them without pretermitting any.

I know it is possible. And I always try!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

(old) questions today,
the world is not full of answers :)

what to do before an impossible dream?

is it a reason to give up when we find our dreams impossible to make true? Do we have to find new dreams and target different achievements?

what to do when this dream is one of your greatest ambitions?
is it possible to turn back and stop fighting for it?

I don't have a complete answer for this questions... I debate myself with this issue.

I feel I have fought a lot, maybe not exactly enough, or in the best way... but the dream seems impossible to reach.

What to do now? :)