Smile and enjoy! - the bright side of life :b

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fear of learning

Things are so easy after knowing them! Easy truth? Just look at the number of times that that's forgotten...
Or else why would the fear of the discovery / learning process endure?
Stop being afraid don't you like rewards!? Knowing is a pretty damn reward! It is like a win and winning is addicting.
Enter the trip of knowledge it is a one way road to success!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Different People

Working with severall people. All sorts of different people throughout the projects and challenges.
What a big enrichment! People are known today as the most valuable assets in businness. And they are the
most important assets in life, that's for sure! Relate, make friends! [To follow...

Friday, July 14, 2006

The idea: A positive view each day.

The world is a beautiful place and it is full with opportunities. We were given this life to search them to conquest
them and to seize them! - I want my share! ;p - Smile and optimism are keys for discovering the unknown that waits us.
And these will show an open space before us. Use it and abuse it!