Smile and enjoy! - the bright side of life :b

Saturday, July 07, 2007

...mind not the small things in life, treasure the big ones...

In life there are two kinds of things. Those that just are and those that really matter.To the first we must deal with but not give too much importance. These are the normal things of life that touch us everyday, parts of our rotine, structure, organization and ways of living. Things that are different from person to person but with the same general and final objectives. Give it not more importance than what they really have.

To the things that really matter we must dedicate our time, attention and our headaches. Personal feelings, meaning of life, relations with others, personal goals and dreams oughta be the things to value the most.

Learn to separate what is really important from what is not. What is small from what is big.

Treasure the big ones, you'll be happier!


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